The High Capacity Off Grid / Hybrid Solar Charge Maximizing Controller System Components

Enerpak Academy Books

Solar Charge Maximizing Controllers and its systems maximize the PV power for your off grid and hybrid PV system capacity

Coupons with up to 50% discount for all Solar Charge Maximizing Controllers are available!

ENERPAK provides a significant discount (Up to a maximum of 50% off for the customers who have an established Royalty Status with us, depending on the recency and monetary value over a certain period of the time we will define) for all ENERPAK Solar Charge Maximizing Controller Products we sell. The minimum 25% discount will be awarded to any individual who has completed the following Online Training Course (about 10 hour online video). We will email you the coupon code, upon completion of the Training Course. Please use the same Name and email for the online course registration and contact us to ask for the coupon code, and to claim the credit when placing an order for Solar Charge Maximizing Controller Product.

For entities, minimum one employee in the organization shall complete the online training program.

The Online Course: "How To Maximize the Off-Grid & Hybrid Solar Systems Capacity"

The online course: Harvest PV Energy in case of power outage

The SCMC controller system design and installation instruction is also available in the YouTube channel below. However, you may not be able to claim any ENERPAK pricing discount credit by watching videos in the ENERPAK YouTube channel only:

ENERPAK Solar Charge Maximizing Controller YouTube Channel