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Welcome to Enerpak Academy.

You are about to make a significant change to your career and shape the bright future for you and our future generations.  

At Enerpak Academy, our goal is to provide knowledge, education and training to people like you for our sustainable future. Our planet is in crisis, and many homes are not healthy for occupants, as you know. We are here to explore the true causes of this crisis, and find solutions to tackle the challenges. We also want every human to have decent living conditions. Most importantly, we want you to be successful in your future career working in the field of optimal home comfort for occupants, and optimal earth comfort for humans.

Author, Weihai Xue (Wayne), Prof. P. Eng. CEO of Enerpak

The Causes of Climate Change and The Solutions to Challenges

The Causes of Climate Change and The Solutions to Challenges

The book indicates that:

  1. Based on the earth’s temperature rise data collected since the industrial revolution, and the scientific calculation, as well as thermal dynamic analysis, the author of this book concluded that greenhouse gas emissions may only account for a maximum 25% of causes of the global warming, the major cause is from the  fossil fuel by-products that have been used to cover the surface of the earth, others include the excessive energy that humans have deposited in the oceans for over 100 years. 

  2. Humans have been using oceans as heat sinks to deposit excessive energy since the industrial revolution. Humans have set up the earth’s current condition for its temperature to reach an average of 18ºC if no actions are taken. Even if we stop greenhouse gas emission tomorrow and stop using fossil fuel by-products, the earth’s temperature will still rise at a pace of 0.0318 ºC (0.0572 ºF) each year, until it stabilizes at 18 ºC, when the earth will reject the same amount of energy into space as it will absorb. 

  3. To tackle this crisis that humanity has ever faced , the author of this book has come up with a concept called: “Global Warming Footprint Power” (GWFP). The GWFP has a unit of watts. GHG emissions can also be measured in GWFP. We can calculate the GWFP value for all the buildings, construction sites, parking lots, airport runways and pavement. We can also calculate the Global Warming Footprint Energy (GWFE) value in Kilowatt-hours.

  4. We may only cool down the earth, when the GWFP is written into the building codes, construction standards worldwide. This is the reason that we need lots of professionals, like you.

The book is available for reading and purchase on

For large quantity discount, the book may also be purchased directly through following link within Enerpak Website:

The book can be shipped to most countries worldwide.

Residential House HVAC Load Calculation _Amazon Kindle Edition

Residential House Heating, Cooling & Ventilation Load Calculations: Human Comfort and Building Science _ Amazon Kindle Edition

  1. Based on the author’s over 20 years experience working as a HVAC engineer, he starts by introducing the indoor comfort and outdoor weather conditions for building heating, cooling and ventilation load calculations. This kindle edition book further explores the concept of Temperature, Heat, Specific Heat, Heat Transfer, Conduction, Convection, Radiation, Sensible Heat, Latent Heat, Air Movement, British Thermal Unit (BTU), Joules, Relative Humidity, Energy and Power, Substance States, Evaporation, Condensation, Dew Point.

  2. To prepare the basic knowledge for the building heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) load calculation and equipment sizing for HVAC designers, this book starts by presenting the basic building elements, components of a building, mechanical system and common types of low rise residential homes. This book introduces the building as a system by presenting the building envelope, heat balance, heat loss, heat gains and heat flow of a residential building.

  3. This book also introduces the concept of air flow, air exchange, infiltration, and overall airflow of a detached residential building.

  4. This book further introduces the concept of moisture flow, relative humidity and condensation in buildings to ensure the healthy building conditions and comfort indoor environment for the occupants inside the buildings.

  5. This course is offered to readers worldwide, so all the units are introduced in both unit systems:

  6. IP (imperial) and SI (metric).

  7. The readers are encouraged to find out the winter and summer design temperature and indoor design temperature for the specific location of the subject house, as well as local building code, ventilation code and HVAC equipment energy efficiency requirements from the specific AHJ (authority having jurisdiction), and perform the HVAC load calculations and size the HVAC systems and equipment accordingly in the future. In case the building code and weather date is not available for some climate zones or regions, this book provides the readers with recommended minimum requirement data to ensure the comfort homes for the occupants.

This kindle edition book is available for readers worlwide through following Amazon Link: (Promotion may be available from time to time)

The Basic of Residential Home HVAC design

Udemy Course:

Residential House HVAC Design _Basic

  1. This course explores the residential house HVAC design technique for typical detached, semi-detached and townhouse low-rise residential houses in Canada. The course includes both heating, Air Conditioning and ventilation (HVAC) load calculation, and prepares the basic knowledge for the HVAC air system design.

  2. The course starts by presenting the basic building elements and common types of low rise residential homes, and explain the method of calculating building foundation conductive heat loss, building envelope (exposed ceiling, roof, floor, wall, door, window and skylights) conductive heat loss and solar heat gain. The course further explores the occupants' heat gain and equipment heat gain, and the method for calculating ventilation and infiltration heating and cooling load.

  3. Through the Q & A section, the students will be provided with an excel template for load calculation and air system design of a sample home. The template is developed and used by the instructor who has successfully completed HVAC design for hundreds of residential houses across Ontario Canada. There are lots of load calculation formulas that will be included in the Microsoft Excel template for students to practise load calculation on their own. The air system design portion is also included in the temperate provided to the students in the basic course, but lecturing of the air system design will be left for the intermediate and advanced HVAC design course.

  4. Despite the template being developed is based on Ontario building code with specific energy efficiency and ventilation requirements in Ontario, and despite all the formulas being in the imperial (IP) format, this Excel template may be easily adopted for any geographic location across the globe. The parameter substitution for all different climate zones will be explained.

  5. This course is offered to students worldwide, so all the calculations will be performed in both unit systems: IP (imperial) and SI (metric). The students will be encouraged to find out the winter and summer design temperature and indoor design temperature for the specific location of the subject house, as well as local building code, ventilation code and HVAC equipment energy efficiency requirements from the specific AHJ (authority having jurisdiction), and design the HVAC systems accordingly. In case the building code and weather date is not available for some climate zones or regions, the course will also provide the students with recommended minimum requirement data.

  6. Upon completion of this course, the students are expected to be able to understand house HVAC systems, to perform basic load calculation, to size the HVAC equipment and to design the HVAC system accordingly for occupants' health and comfort living in their residential homes. The minimum ventilation requirement will be recommended to control the indoor air quality for occupants' health.

The Link to Udemy course with promotion code is located below: (limited time offer)

How to power the level 2 EV chargers with solar panels

Udemy Course:

How To Power the Level 2 EV Chargers with Solar Panels

  1. The Solar Charge Maximizing Controller (SCMC) systems include both Solar Charge Maximizing Controller (SCMC) and Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) Solar Charge Controller. The SCMC system has both the benefits of high current supplying capacity and the maximum power tracking capacity.

  2. In a SCMC system, the SCMC handles high currents during maximum solar irradiance conditions; at the same time, the MPPT solar charge controller tracks the maximum power point from the higher voltage solar array. The MPPT solar charge controller remains in the system to supply PV power during minimum solar radiance conditions, such as on cloudy or rainy days.

  3. In a SCMC system, both SCMC and MPPT solar charge controllers work together to maximize the solar power harvesting for a high-capacity solar array.

This Udemy course starts by explaining the principles of Solar Charge Maximizing Controller system. The course teaches the necessary knowledge required to design, install and commission a SCMC system. It includes all the following:

·         Principle of SCMC and its system;

·         Benefits of SCMC system;

·         Typical Application of SCMC System _ Electric Vehicle Charging;

·         Typical Application of SCMC System _Off-Grid & Hybrid Power Supply;

·         Typical Application of SCMC system _ Domestic How Water Preheat;

·         Typical Application of SCMC System _ Green Hydrogen Production Through PEM and AEM Cells (Electrolysis Process)

·         Common Negative and Common Positive SCMC system;

·         Split-Bolt Wire(s);

·         Solar Array Grounding Options;

·         Types of Solar Energy Storage Battery and SCMC System Battery Capacity Sizing Guidelines;

·         Types of Solar Power Cable and Wire Gauge Sizing Guidelines;

·         Common Electrical Components used in the SCMC system;

·         Locating the Major Components of the SCMC system;

·         Solar cables MC4 & split-bolt connection forming techniques;

·         SCMC system planning, starting up and commissioning;

The Link to Udemy course with promotion code is located below:
(Limited time offer, Hurry!)